Life's random bits By b1thunt3r (aka Ishan Jain)…
Create new Azure AD Application

Create new Azure AD Application

Ishan jain
Need OAuth to use with Azure Active Directory, create a Azure Active Directory application first.

In order to use OAuth with Azure AD, you need to first register you application in Azure Portal. You could do it in Azure Management Portal (Classic/Old what ever you want to call it), but I recommend using the new Azure Portal.


  • Azure Subscription

Add Application

  1. Click on Azure Active Directory in the left navigation.
    NOTE: If you don't see the link in left navigation, you might need yo click on More Services at the bottom of the navigation and search for Azure Active Directory.
  2. Click on App registrations
  3. Click on Add icon in top navigation
  4. Enter the details for your application in the new blade, and click on Create button.
    NOTE: If you are planning on creating an Windows/Mobile app then choose Native.
  5. Open newly created Application
  6. Write down Application ID
    AzureRegApp06-AppId You will need it in the future.