Azure and OSS
Disclaimer: Currently I am employed by Microsoft, but my views and thoughts are still my own. The reason I joined Microsoft was, the work Microsoft have been doing for last couple of years in Open Source Space. Today I am a advocate for Open Source representing Microsoft.
Azure offers basic IaaS services like "Linux VM". Azure also offers several services that have open source core, i.e. database engines, docker management, tools for deploying infrastructure. There are also PaaS offerings in Azure which offers multiple capabilities for running open source workloads.
Below is a list of some of Azure's open sources offerings:
- Red Hat
- Suse
- Ubuntu
- CentOS
- Debian
- Azure Database for MySQL
- Azure Database for MariaDB
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- Azure Cache for Redis
- Hadoop (HDInsights)
- Spark (Databricks)
- Kubernates (AKS)
- Azure Sphere
- SignalR
PaaS capable of running open source workloads:
- App Service
- Functions
- Machine Learning
Tools for deploying infrastructure:
- Ansilbe
- Teraform
- Chef
- Puppet
As I see it, Microsoft's mission is not to lock in customers with proprietary services in Azure, but by providing better services then the competition.