List Azure Regions
It is always good to know were you can place your stuff...
Disclaimer: Currently I am employed by Microsoft, but my views and thoughts are still my own. The reason I joined Microsoft was, the work Microsoft have been doing for last couple of years in Open Source Space. Today I am a advocate for Open Source representing Microsoft.
Sometimes you need to get a list of available list of available Azure regions.
Using Azure CLI:
az account list-locations --output table
Using Azure PowerShell:
Get-AzLocation | Select-Object DisplayName,Location,GeographyGroup,PhysicalLocation | Format-Table
Update: Available regions on 2024-05-28
DisplayName | Location | GeographyGroup | PhysicalLocation |
South Africa North | southafricanorth | Africa | Johannesburg |
South Africa West | southafricawest | Africa | Cape Town |
Australia Central 2 | australiacentral2 | Asia Pacific | Canberra |
Australia Southeast | australiasoutheast | Asia Pacific | Victoria |
Korea South | koreasouth | Asia Pacific | Busan |
Japan West | japanwest | Asia Pacific | Osaka |
South India | southindia | Asia Pacific | Chennai |
West India | westindia | Asia Pacific | Mumbai |
Australia East | australiaeast | Asia Pacific | New South Wales |
Southeast Asia | southeastasia | Asia Pacific | Singapore |
Central India | centralindia | Asia Pacific | Pune |
East Asia | eastasia | Asia Pacific | Hong Kong |
Japan East | japaneast | Asia Pacific | Tokyo, Saitama |
Korea Central | koreacentral | Asia Pacific | Seoul |
Australia Central | australiacentral | Asia Pacific | Canberra |
Canada Central | canadacentral | Canada | Toronto |
Canada East | canadaeast | Canada | Quebec |
Switzerland North | switzerlandnorth | Europe | Zurich |
UK West | ukwest | Europe | Cardiff |
Switzerland West | switzerlandwest | Europe | Geneva |
Norway West | norwaywest | Europe | Norway |
Norway East | norwayeast | Europe | Norway |
Italy North | italynorth | Europe | Milan |
Germany North | germanynorth | Europe | Berlin |
Sweden Central | swedencentral | Europe | Gävle |
UK South | uksouth | Europe | London |
West Europe | westeurope | Europe | Netherlands |
France South | francesouth | Europe | Marseille |
Poland Central | polandcentral | Europe | Warsaw |
Germany West Central | germanywestcentral | Europe | Frankfurt |
France Central | francecentral | Europe | Paris |
North Europe | northeurope | Europe | Ireland |
Spain Central | spaincentral | Europe | Madrid |
Mexico Central | mexicocentral | Mexico | Querétaro State |
UAE Central | uaecentral | Middle East | Abu Dhabi |
Qatar Central | qatarcentral | Middle East | Doha |
Israel Central | israelcentral | Middle East | Israel |
UAE North | uaenorth | Middle East | Dubai |
Brazil Southeast | brazilsoutheast | South America | Rio |
Brazil South | brazilsouth | South America | Sao Paulo State |
West US | westus | US | California |
North Central US | northcentralus | US | Illinois |
Central US | centralus | US | Iowa |
West US 3 | westus3 | US | Phoenix |
West US 2 | westus2 | US | Washington |
South Central US | southcentralus | US | Texas |
East US 2 | eastus2 | US | Virginia |
West Central US | westcentralus | US | Wyoming |
East US | eastus | US | Virginia |