Life's random bits By b1thunt3r (aka Ishan Jain)…
Apt-get for Windows

Apt-get for Windows

Lately I have not kept up with the news, lets say for last year or so. For some reason I clicked on About tab of Chocolatey on the site, usually I just search for the package, and leave it at that. On that page I read that Microsoft is going to implement an Package System (similar to apt-get for Ubuntu and yum for Red Hat), compatible with Chocolatey.
.NET, open source and cross-platform

.NET, open source and cross-platform

I remember when I was doing my bachelor thesis project on Mono, how uncertain the future of Mono was. While I was finalizing my report, I heard that Attachmate had acquired Novell, and was to close down the OpenSUSE and Mono divisions. At that point I was a bit scared if I will have to do the whole thesis again.
Spotify and Android

Spotify and Android

Is it only me, or does it seems that Spotify is not serious about its app on Android. I have a Spotify Premium subscription and i use it on two different Android devices.