Life's random bits By b1thunt3r (aka Ishan Jain)…

Category: Web

Install IIS on Windows NT 6

Install IIS on Windows NT 6

As an EPiServer developer I have to install IIS, to be able to develop and test the applications.
.NET, open source and cross-platform

.NET, open source and cross-platform

I remember when I was doing my bachelor thesis project on Mono, how uncertain the future of Mono was. While I was finalizing my report, I heard that Attachmate had acquired Novell, and was to close down the OpenSUSE and Mono divisions. At that point I was a bit scared if I will have to do the whole thesis again.
Internet Explorer AJAX cache bug

Internet Explorer AJAX cache bug

We are on the edge of Internet Explorer 11, but there are still some organizations who still insists on using Internet Explorer 8. And it is us web developers who really suffers, because they don't upgrade to a newer browser.
MVC 4: Bundling

MVC 4: Bundling

Been experimenting with the new MVC 4 for One of the concepts I was having problems with was bundling JavaScript and CSS.